Saturday, December 20, 2014

Utah Trip December 2014

Scott and I took a trip up to Utah to visit before Christmas and to celebrate Scott's birthday.  It was a really fun trip, but definitely not long enough!  It was so great to see family and friends with whom the visits are few and far between.  I flew up a couple days before Scott and spent some time playing kick ball, legos, cars, etc.  Here are some highlights: (Please excuse the very blurry pictures.  One of these days, I am going to take a photography class.)

Camden has a play date with his cousin Michaela (sorry if I didn't spell it right) once a week and this time Nicole had a yummy project for them to do - rice krispy Christmas trees!
Hard at work decorating the tree....

Ta da!!

Hmmmm....which one looks better?

Straight for the peanut butter cup on the bottom!

Look what I can do Grandma!

This kid will do anything to NOT get his picture taken.

Caught you!

Hard at work fixing the problem.
I was also able to go out to lunch with my roomies, Pam, Ellen, and Gayle.  So great to see them and catch up.
Friends since 1981!

I actually got him to pose with me!
Scott flew up Friday after work and after waiting and waiting and waiting, his flight finally took off three hours late, but he finally got there.
Spending time with Grandpa.

Everyone came over to celebrate Scott's birthday.

Had fun playing games....yes Camden was having fun too UNTIL someone took his picture!
More play time with Grandpa.....

Grandpa's turn!

Woke up on Sunday to SNOW!! Okay, it's not much but it was a great Christmas present for me!

Camden and I were quite excited....cannot say that for everyone else.
We are so glad we made that trip and saw everyone before Christmas.  It was nice to get away and play for a few days!  Thanks Dan and Nicole for letting us come play!!

Since we have been home, it's been crunch time to get ready for Christmas.  We have been doing Christmas cards, last minute shopping, menu planning, etc.  Agnes came over yesterday and decided she needed to make some Christmas cookies.....
....and she decided one in each color was necessary!

Looks like Easter!

Josh was very proud of the number of blankets he piled on the couch.

And now that the blankets were out of the ottoman, it made a great place for Zach to hide.

Riley was getting the royal treatment today.

We were treated to a piano recital. He is really good!!
Merry Christmas from the Klundt's!!

1 comment:

Dan and Nicole said...

We loved having you guys but it looks like you were missed at home!