Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend.  All of the kids were able to come and we had a lot of fun playing games, doing puzzles, and of course, eating, eating, eating.

It's puzzle-mania when Nicole and Ashley are around and they put together four large puzzles over the weekend with just some scattered help from others now and again.
I think they had this one done the first day. 
Only 300 very large pieces.  I was actually able to help with this one!
Karina heard we were doing puzzles and sent over this cute Santa puzzle.
We also played lots of games, as usual.  Some of us (not me) tackled this Grand Prix game that Jared brought on Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving dinner turned out great.  Everyone pitched in and took charge of some part of the meal.  Everything was delicious.  We probably didn't need as many pies as we ended up having but we sure didn't mind trying to finish them off over the weekend.  There is still one pie that hasn't even been touched!
We went for several walks with Camden and always ended up at the park.
Went right for the caterpillar...
Helping Grandpa walk the dog.....
Super hero..... the rescue!
Hanging out with Grandpa.....
Found a dandelion to blow.....
We decided to put up the tree while everyone was here and Camden was excited to help decorate although I wasn't able to hold his attention long.  Although he did hang a couple ornaments and told me where to put several others.
Camden had made us an ornament with his picture on it so he helped us hang that one.

We also have a "Riley Dog" ornament that Clark made for us that Camden was excited to hang.
Checking out the ornaments.
Camden loved playing ping pong with Grandpa.
Staring contest?
Dan, Nicole, and Camden were still here on Sunday so we decided to go see the Christmas lights at the Mesa Temple. 

There was a display inside the Visitor's Center of nativities from different countries.  When I saw this one from Japan it brought back a lot of memories.  I always loved the Kokeshi dolls.
You can tell by our clothing that we are not at Temple Square! It was a very nice evening.
We have a kumquat tree in our back yard and Camden is always asking to go pick some.  The reason is that he LOVES them.  He eats the whole thing, peel and all. 
Finding ones that were ripe enough to eat was a challenge.....
but he was always successful!

It was so nice having everyone here.  The house seemed so quiet today.  I love the noise of everyone being here and miss it!  We are looking forward to being in Utah next week!!

1 comment:

Dan and Nicole said...

Thank you again! It was a wonderful week! My scale says the food was too good though!