I keep trying to tell myself that it's April already but it's not working, my brain is still in March. This year is going so fast and the months are a blur. But the blur we called March was a great one! We had 2 trips to Utah!! This is getting to be a habit! But it was so worth it because we had a baptism and a mission reunion and they were both AWESOME!
This super amazing grandson of ours got baptized! It was a great day! |
Seriously GREAT!! We love these boys so much! |
And we definitely loved the family time. |
Oh, and the baby time...yeah, it's pretty great. |
Oh, and did I mention the snow time?? |
Yeah, there was a lot of it... |
Always helping...he is just the best. |
Ok, Utah people, close your eyes for a sec...LOVED the late winter, it was so fun! |
Our mission reunion was FANTASTIC! Don't worry, I won't post all of the hundreds of photos I took on here, but I will show you a few...like 90 or so...
We had a huge group at the Mt. Timpanogas temple that afternoon, pretty much the whole session was us. |
Look at these smiles! |
So many special relationships. |
So much goofiness! |
Senior missionaries are the best! You should try it! |
Seriously, goofy! Yeah, we're the seniors. |
The reunion took me right back to our Tennessee days where the roads look like this... |
...and our front door looked like this. I wonder what happened to him?
The very next weekend we had another missionary-filled few days. Sister Chambers drove down and spent conference weekend with us and a few more joined for a bit...
No snow here! |
Saturday afternoon session. |
Saturday night games. |
After they left on Sunday, Sister Brown came over for dinner. She is moving to Seattle and I am so sad for me! |
After THAT, Sister Perkins and her family came by for a visit while they were vacationing in AZ. |
It was a wild and crazy and wonderful week! We are so grateful for the month we had with family and friends. We hope your Easter was wonderful. One of our dear missionaries who is still serving in Tennessee recently reminded me of what Easter is all about. She wrote about a friend of hers who was "thrown from her motorcycle at 75 mph and broke her neck. She was pronounced dead at the scene and during that time, she saw her father that had passed years prior. He told her that it wasn't her time yet, that there was something more for her to do on the earth. She needed to find her purpose. Her heart started beating again. She lived. She was never suppose to wake up or walk or eat or even speak again. And yet she does all of them. She is a living and breathing miracle. Regardless of her pains and struggles, she is one of the happiest people I know. Not only has she overcome heartache, she has found JOY. As she's come to find Christ, with tears in her eyes, she's exclaimed, 'I've found it. I've found my purpose.' He is our purpose. He is the bringer of all joy."
Happy Easter everyone!
I will end with this...
We have the coolest grandkids ever...just saying. |