It's 2023 people...just in case you haven't realized it yet, I'm just putting it out there...
We had an amazing, fun, and tiring January! Here are just a couple highlights...
This was one of the amazing, fun and tiring parts... |
It was amazing because we did not wreck! It was fun because, well, it's SNOW! It was tiring because stress makes me tired.
We went up to Utah to visit family this month. We met our newest grandson, Otto! But I won't get crazy with the photos like some grandmas do. Well, just a few...
Look at that face! I think adorable is a great description. |
Mom and Dad were so accommodating and let him take several naps in my arms! I think bliss is a great description. |
Happiest grandpa ever! |
Life is just that good! |
Weird, I only got snow pictures in Lehi.
We had a couple free hours on Friday so we headed down to Provo to round up some of our Nashville missionaries...
And we did! |
Such a happy moment! |
Lunch on the Wilk floor because of NO empty tables in the ENTIRE building! Seriously, NONE! |
Friday night was up in Bountiful for a siblings/mom game night!
Have I mentioned that family is the best? |
And a little bit crazy? |
What a happy trip!
Speaking of missionaries, Sister Warner was in town last weekend! She and some other Nashville sister missionaries joined us for dinner...
Another happy moment! |
Ok one more! That face!!! |
And now it's February! We are staying busy with family and callings and broken microwaves. We had our first temple shift last Saturday and it was the best! I think I can officially say that Saturday is our favorite day! February has already started out with a bang but you'll have to stay tuned!!
Favorite quotes this month...
"It's not about doing life perfectly--it's about finding joy while doing our best to live the covenants we have made with the Lord" (Sister Craven, April 2022).
"Heavenly Father's prescribed path leads to the best eternal outcomes" (Elder Renlund, April 2022).
"There is nothing in your life that is broken that is beyond the curative, redeeming and enabling power of Jesus Christ" (Sister Wright, April 2022).
We love you!