Happy New Year everyone! So far, 2021 has treated us well and we had a fun ending to 2020.
I managed to conquer bread making and freezer jam in 2020! Little embarrassed at how long it took me to conquer the freezer jam....we ended up with an ample supply of strawberry syrup too!
Cori and Jordan were with us for Christmas Eve...
...and we had a long overdue game night!
Julie, Hallie, and Dallin came for a short visit right after Christmas...they checked out Grandma's garden...
...ate some kumquats...
...and helped us play some new games we got this year! SUPER FUN family time! Thanks for coming down you guys!! |
Right after New Year's, Kevin, Becky, Millie, Abbey, Ruby and June came down for their yearly visit.
Our first stop was Handel's Ice Cream! And yes, this is exactly how I feel when I eat Handel's!
Every town needs a Handel's...they just do!!!
There were lots and lots of games....
...lots of fun with ping pong balls and stairs...
...lots of yummy food...
...lots of play time (Uncle Scott was a fave)...
...lots of ping pong...
...and lots of cheering players on.
There was a really big coloring project...
...and did I mention ping pong balls down the stairs? Best game ever.
The girls decorated a gingerbread house...
...of course, not all the decorations made it onto the house.
Love the stairs...
...they ended up being a favorite place for pretend naps.
We made peanut butter balls, chocolate pretzels...
...and we had our 2nd annual gyoza making party!
Yes, they were amazingly yummy and gone in a very short time.
We did lots and lots of outdoorsy things...
...like frisbee golf, a family tradition.
We played at the park...
...ate lunch outside...
...and went for lots of walks.
Because that's what you do in January in Arizona!!
The girls warmed up to us...
...and we had a blast with them...
...but they LOVE their Aunt Millie!
Almost as much as they love Mom!
We had so much fun hanging out with these guys...
...playing with ping pong balls was the best, of course.
Or maybe playing in the super huge box provided by Cate!
Thank you guys for coming down and hanging out with us!
On Friday we went to Prescott for our monthly visit with Ashley, Jason, and Emma. Emma is growing so fast! She will be 2 next month!! And adorable, I might add!
It was so fun playing in her room...she was excited to show us her toys.
She's an expert on the slide.
I think you're all up to date now. We love you and hope this year will be WAY better than last year! Despite how hard 2020 was though, we have seen so many tender mercies and blessings in our family and we are grateful.