Two months into the year and it’s been a whirlwind of activity. We are amazed at what has happened so far and are very excited and also very 🤪.
But let’s start off with some nice, peaceful sunsets. We’ve had some beautiful ones recently and they are very calming to start off with!
A couple weeks ago, Emma turned TWO!! It was a fun filled birthday party with several appearances by Mickey and Minnie.
I’ve been doing some sewing projects with my new machine which I love. I finished an apron which looks really good if you don’t look too close! But I’m happy that I was able to follow all the directions and figure everything out on my own. Only one mistake and redo!
So, here's where the craziness comes in. We received a new mission call to Nashville Tennessee to work as office specialists. It came a lot quicker and we are leaving a lot sooner than we expected, which is weird since we have been waiting to go to NY for over a year. But when that call was canceled we thought we would slowly ease back into it, haha! But it all fell into place so nicely and we feel the Lord's hand in this call. I will be doing the finances and Scott will be over the vehicles. It’s brand new and we will be very green missionaries for a little while but we’re anxiously awaiting the adventure. We will be leaving March 19.
This is the town home where we'll be living.
We received our name tags in the mail last week!
In the meantime, we have been playing a lot of tennis which we love to do, especially doubles!!
Feeling the love of the Primary children!
We have been inundated with well wishes from everyone and it is going to be very hard to leave. Can I just say how grateful I am for Zoom, Facetime, Messenger Chat, Marco Polo, etc. etc. etc.!
We start mission training March 8 at home and then we leave March 19. Until then, there is still tons of organizing, packing, cleaning and pulling-my-hair-out craziness. IT WILL ALL WORK OUT!