It looks like it's been almost a year since I last posted. I refer you to the title of this post. We have managed to do a few things this year which I will try and update you on. One thing we haven't been able to do is leave on our mission. We were postponed, and then postponed again and then postponed again. They finally gave up giving us new dates, now we are waiting for....a miracle? We have hope that we will still go, but we're guessing it is not going to be until next spring at the earliest. We are grateful we still have our call.
Here is what happened right after my last update...
I have been practicing making bread and have gotten pretty comfortable with it!
It's even better with freezer jam!
Dan, Nicole and the boys came for a visit during the summer.
There was a LOT of swimming....
...and making goodies of all kinds...We had just read Narnia together and so we made Turkish Delight and watched the movie...super fun. |
We even made some ice cream and had great helpers!
Did I mention there was a lot of swimming?
Ping pong was also a fave!
It was also a week filled with taste tests...Oreo, mac and cheese, and root was very educational!
We've also made some day trips up to Prescott which are always super fun. Little baby Emma is 21 months already!! Not so little anymore.
Picking out one of Mom's necklaces.
She LOVES phones and Sesame Street videos...
Such a cutie!
Scott and I managed to get our anniversary trip in this year. We went back to Colorado to see the southern part of the state this time. It was the perfect place for this year - no crowds, cool weather, very low key.
It was a great week spent mostly sleeping in and relaxing, soaking in that cool weather!
We got a surprise visit from Tori recently! We hadn't seen her in forever, it was so good to spend time and catch up. I love this niece of mine!
Our ward was assigned to make 600 masks for medical workers in AZ...
...I had amazing helpers and we cranked out 100 of them!
Fall orchestra concerts enjoyed virtually in the comfort of our family room...
...they did a wonderful job, but I can't wait to trade my comfy couch for an auditorium seat! Nothing better than experiencing it live.
One of the benefits of being retired is being able to have a Wednesday night date...
...we had the place to ourselves!
Well, that is a very abridged, brief, quick synopsis of the last few months. I don't have to tell you what is going on in the world, we are all living it. We are grateful for the health of our friends and family. We look forward to the time when I will be updating our blog from Palmyra and hope that is still in our future. In the meantime, we will have faith and continue to wait for the Lord's timing.