My nieces, Morgan and Hannah, came for another visit this summer and we had a great time! They are turning into beautiful young ladies. They are also the most polite, grateful, helpful, and just all around awesome kids! Here are some highlights of the week:
Monday: I made them run errands with me and then they started their Harry Potter marathon. They were determined to watch all eight movies while they were here! Stay tuned to see if they accomplished their goal!! The Robinsons also came over that afternoon to swim and then we had a BBQ/swim FHE night.
Fun times.... |
.....and conversation! |
Tuesday: We were going to be home for most of the day so they continued their Harry Potter marathon. Can't remember how many they got through but I think they watched most of them on this day. That evening we went bowling. The girls were VERY good at it. Scott and I were both a little humbled!!
Good form Hannah! |
Morgan waiting to see if she got a strike (she had a few actually). |
We brought Gurrie with us. The three of them have become good friends and they had a great time together. |
That night, Hannah and Gurrie decided to prepare a song they could perform for us on Friday. |
Wednesday: We did our annual shopping trip to San Tan Village complete with gelato at Frost. Then home to continue the Harry Potter marathon. They watched well into the night......
Not sure why I don't have pics from this day, but not much I can do about it now.
Thursday: Started the day with another Harry Potter movie! Then on to Sunsplash for a water slide adventure!!
This is the Sidewinder. No way was I getting on that thing, but the girls went several times. |
This is Hannah and Gurrie. |
Back up the other side...... |
....and up the other side again..... |
.....and finally settling at the bottom. So brave. |
This is Morgan braving it on her own! |
Corinne came with us and showed the girls a great time. It was her suggestion to go to Sunsplash this year rather than Big Surf and they loved it! |
This is the Double Dare. I think the name says it all. The girls are waving from the top as I'm sure you can see!! |
Wave pool.....they are out there somewhere...... |
That night we all went to Feed My Starving Children. That is an organization that puts together food packets for starving children around the world. Scott and I have been there a few times and thought the girls might enjoy it. So we spent a couple hours putting together rice and veggie packets.
All ready to work! |
The Robinson's joined us that night too. Here they are sampling the product and feeling satisfied with a job well done! |
That night after we got home at around 10pm, the girls watched the LAST Harry Potter movie! YES THEY DID IT! In fact, we all stayed up and watched it with them. I had never seen the last one so it was good to see how it all ended. Although I could have done without that stinking snake!
Friday: We had gotten tickets for the Gaslight Theatre in Tucson for this day so we drove down there and enjoyed a wonderful melodrama, Ghost Blasters! They always do a great job, it's a fun place to go.
It's a fun setting where they do sing-a-longs and bring ice cream sundaes to your table!! What could be better? |
What a cute couple!! |
What a cute family!! |
What a cute place! |
I actually lived in Tucson from 6th through 10th grades. So everyone indulged me as we drove around a little bit.
The first house we lived in down there. It has NOT been taken care of, as you can probably tell. |
Steele Elementary, 6th grade |
We stopped for an Eegee. The best slush EVER! Unfortunately, they are only in Tucson. |
That night we went over to the Robinson's to celebrate the 4th of July complete with fireworks.
Happy 4th!! |
After fireworks we went inside for the performance! They did a great job, it was BEAUTIFUL! Thanks girls!! |
There were several others, including Agnes, who stepped up and played for us too. We enjoyed a wonderful concert. |
Saturday: We drove the girls home, sniff, sniff.
I guess we wore them out. |
It was another great week with Morgan and Hannah! Wish you could come more often. We love you!