We went to Provo, Utah this year for Christmas and we had a great time. There was TONS of snow!!!!!!! There was already lots of it on the ground when we got there and then it snowed several times during the week, too. We made the most of it by making snowmen, snow angels, and snowballs. We had a beautiful white Christmas, complete with falling snow on Christmas Day!
This is a view from Dan and Nicole's house in Provo:

Julie was in heaven:

Most of the kids started making a snowman, but Cori was the most diligent; she stuck with it to the end:

On Tuesday, we had an evening of bowling and pizza, courtesy of Grandma Klundt. All of our bowling pictures turned out blurry for some reason so go to Dan and Nicole's blog to take a look at their bowling pics. They have some great ones. It was a lot of fun. Thanks, Mom/Grandma!

On Christmas Eve, we continued our tradition of watching "The Nativity" and opening one gift each. Christmas morning we were up early and opened the rest of our gifts.

We then traveled to Kevin and Becky's home in West Jordan for a delicious turkey dinner, lots of pies and other good desserts, and some fun games. Keith and Becky and their family came down from Farmington also. We had a wonderful meal and a very enjoyable day with family.
We drove home Friday on very snowy roads but made it back safe and sound and ready for 2009! Happy New Year to everyone!!